peer-reviewed publications & presentations related to CAAI
- Shah, A. P. (2024). Assessing Accented Speech with a Data-Based Assessment Framework: The Key to Evidence-based Accent-Management. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(5), 135–152. [CAAI IS THE ONLY AVAILABLE FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT OF ACCENTS; PEER-REVIEWED AND ASHA-APPROVED]
- Shah, A. P. (2024). Reliability, Sensitivity, and Specificity Measures of the Comprehensive Assessment of Accentedness and Intelligibility (CAAI) Test Battery. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(5), 318–334. [CAAI IS THE ONLY ACCENT ASSESSMENT WITH RELIABILITY INFORMATION]
- Shah, A. P. (2010). Comprehensive Assessment of Foreign-Accented Speech. A national web seminar prepared in collaboration with the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Presentation was recorded at the ASHA National Office. Peer-reviewed, CEU Webinar, 3 ASHA CEUs earned, recorded course available through ASHA's professional development and bookstore from 2010-2018. This model has trained 1000s of clinics and clinicians in assessment techniques grounded in best practices, and was the first of its kind in the field of Speech and Hearing.
- Shah, A. P. (2023a). Dr. JN: An Adult Nonnative Speaker of English: High Proficiency. The Communication Disorders Casebook: Learning by Example, 411-420. Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, CA.
- Shah, A. P. (2023b). Ms. PW: An Adult Nonnative Speaker of English: Low Proficiency. The Communication Disorders Casebook: Learning by Example, 421-443. Plural Publishing, Inc. San Diego, CA.
- Gu Y, & Shah A. (2019). A systematic review of interventions to address accent-related communication problems in healthcare. Ochsner Journal. 2019 Winter;19(4):378-396. doi: 10.31486/toj.19.0028.
- Shah, A. P. (2012a). Accent Modification for Speakers with Indian Accents: Speech Characteristics and an Assessment Framework Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations March 2012 19:12-20; doi:10.1044/cds19.1.12, Special Interest Group 14 of the American Speech, Language, and Hearing Association (ASHA). Invited peer-reviewed article. Mar. 2012
- Shah, A. P. (2012b). Know the costs but appreciate the values of accents. ASHA Leader,Invited peer-reviewed feature article.
- Shah, A. P. (2017). An Evidence-Based Program to Improve Patient Experience with Care Providers’ Diverse Accents and Cultures Collaboration across Borders Conference Program
- Shah, A. P. (2016). Evidence-Based Accent Management: Where Are We?. 2016 ASHA Convention Program
- Shah, Amee P. (2015). Doctors without Accent Borders: An Outcomes- and Metrics-based Program for Effective Cross-cultural Communication. 2015 ASAHP Annual Conference: Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Health Care Education and Practice Program
- Shah, A. P. (2014). A nonbiased Assessment Model of Communication Potential of International Applicants to SLP/AUD Graduate Programs. 2014 ASHA Convention program
- Shah, A. P. (2011). Using case studies to show evidence-based accent modification in action. 2011 ASHA Convention program
- Shah, A. P. (2011). Accent Modification 101: Basics, Mythbusters, and Emerging Popularity. 2011 ASHA Convention Program.
- Shah, A. P. (2010). CAAI: An Evidence-Based Assessment Model for Foreign-Accented Speech. 2010 ASHA Convention program
- Shah, A. P. (2009). Norm-based Comprehensive Assessment of Foreign-accented Speech. ASHA Leader.
- Shah, A. P. (2009). Case Studies as Models of Evidence-based Foreign-Accent Modification. ASHA Leader.
- Shah, A. P. (2008). Grand Rounds: Evidence-based Foreign-Accent Modification. ASHA Leader.
- Shah, A. P. (2007). A Data-driven Approach to Comprehensive Assessment of Foreign-accented Speech. ASHA Leader, 12 (11), pp. 105, 0683.
- Shah, A. P. (2018). Accent Management: The Corporate Tools.Session: Accent Modification and Communication Services (Part I)
ASHA CONNECT consists of three specialized conferences in one location: Schools Connect, Hospitals Connect, and Private Practice Connect, thus providing personalized, state-of-the-art presentations on a select number of “most sought-after” courses by established experts. Being invited to present here is a distinctive honor.
- Shah, A. P. (2018). Accent Management in Action: From Start to Completion
An invited professional development presentation at the ASHA Connect conference, July 20-22, 2018, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD.
- Shah, A. P. (2012). EBP in Accent Modification: Understanding client needs and values. A professional development course invited for presentation. (a national, premier organization for Online CEU courses). Web seminar, live telecast and presentation held on Feb 13th, 2012, and available to clinicians online for a year as a registered, ASHA-approved CEU course.
- Shah, A. P. (2011). Evidence-based Assessment of Accented Speech Leading to Structured Therapy: Diagnostic Tools, Assessment Model, & Case Studies. Cross-Country Education Seminar Series. Continuing education, 6.5 hour workshops offered nationwide. I was selected to be part of the speaker-tour, and I presented at the following series of cities and states while on the speaking tour:
July 2011: El Paso, TX, Phoenix, AZ, Albuquerque, NM (Southwest tour)
- Shah, A. P. (2010a). Comprehensive Assessment of Foreign-Accented Speech. A national web seminar, upon invitation from the National Office, American Speech & Hearing Association, in recognition of my expertise in foreign-accent modification and research, ASHA National Office, Maryland, April 2010. Presentation went through several stages of critical peer reviews. Presentation was recorded at the national office and being sold for CEU credits offered through the Professional Development office and made available at the ASHA bookstore and advertised in ASHA catalogs, since fall 2011 for a total of 6 years (including two renewals).
- Shah, A. P. (2010)b. Comprehensive Assessment of Foreign-accented Speech: Test Battery and Model for Assessment. A professional development course invited for presentation. (a national, premier organization for Online CEU courses). Web seminar, live telecast, May 10th, 2010, and available to clinicians online for a year as a registered, ASHA-approved CEU course. Course received a 5 star average rating, and excellent comments by reviewers.